
Sunday, July 26, 2009

mud - mud - glorious MUD....

This is what we did today - played in MUD! Joel had a motocross meeting on at Forbes, and it pretty much rained all day - which turned the track into slippery, ooohy-gooooey Even I had mud all over myself, and I was nowhere near the It was a FREEZING cold day too.....I ended up with 2 jackets on and was still wishing I was sitting inside infront of a nice log fire This was Joel's first week in the seniors races - and he went extremely well - I think he even impressed himself (he is usually really hard on himself - especially if he falls off or makes a mistake) all in all, it ended up a great day - mud n all!

^^ Oh the joy of having to wash it all...NOT!
And now for a few scrappy shares.......

^^ This LO was for a challenge at the Scrapbook n Bits Cyber scrap weekend - which was this weekend. The challenge was (in Toni's words) 3 threes - Just like the pickles! LMAO!
to use 3 photos & 3 different alphas. It was a great challenge & I love my finished LO :)

^^ This one was another challenge from the SnB cyber weekend - This time using 5 different patterned papers, 5 different alphas & at least 5 lines of journaling. Another great challenge Toni!

^^ This LO is my entry for this months "scrap the girls"....which was a colour challenge. I love how this LO turned out too!
Well, I think I'd best go deal with all the muddy motcross gear :S.
I hope everyone's had a great weekend....and thanks for dropping by :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Have you.....

done this months Scrap the Boys challenge? It's a really fun challenge this month - to have your title starting off with "Real men/boys don't......" along with a not-so masculine type photo - something a bit girlish or perhaps a bit You have until Friday 31st July to get your entries in......I would love to see some of my blog visitors giving this challenge a go!
Email your entries to Susan at

Happy scrapping everyone :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Just a little reminder.....

Wow, can you believe that we're half way thru this month already!....but that still gives you a few weeks to complete your LO for the July 123 challenge :) So, why not give it a go this month? The criteria is great & I'm sure you'll totally enjoy scrapping a LO using the criteria.....which is....

1. altered photo - either digitally altered or manually altered (eg, sanded, journalled on) - Kate Middleton

2. Use paint on a stamp (s) for your layout - Mandy Dodd

3. polka dots -Karen Brierley

Email your entries to by the last day of July!
Looking forward to seeing your creations up on the 123 blog :)

There is also some scrappy fun coming up for the Scrapbook n Bits "Cyber Scrap Weekend" being held from Friday 24th July through til Sunday 26th's all happening over at Scrapbook n Bits and here is the link to the forum where you can find all the information about this fun filled scrappy weekend! Hope you can join us ....we'd love to see some new faces :)

Here are a few scrappy shares....although I haven't been scrapping alot this last week or so - too busy with work & day to day life :(

^^ Just a quick LO I did during the week - Pic is of DH flagging at one of DS's motocross races.

^^ And these 2 LO's are from Niq's "Back to school" workshop over at Scrapbook n bits - which was a few weeks ago, but I've only just realised I haven't shared them yet.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend - today is a rest day for me as I am feeling somewhat under the weather atm - all self inflicted! LOL

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A few action shots.....

Of DS in one of his recent motocross events at the Young Amcross - these photos were taken by professional photographers - Mayhem Images , as spectators aren't allowed into the track area. For $30 you can get a disc that will include all the images taken by the 2 photographers (we had 65 images)- which I think is a pretty good deal!

So, here are a few shots from the day.....

These shots below caught Joel having a fairly major spill :-O
In the second & third shots - I just can't believe how his leg is bent right back & is almost touching the back of his head! Luckily he wasn't badly injured - just had sore rib area for a few days - but it did knock the wind out of him - and me! lol. I seen him come off, and could see that he wasn't getting up - so naturally started to worry. But all was fine & he ended up getting back on the bike & finishing the race....

Yay, it's the weekend :-)
We have another motocross event on Sunday - & Joel is just about jumping out of his skin with excitement as he will be riding on his new bike!
Hope everyone has a great weekend - whatever it is you're up to!
Linda x

Thursday, July 9, 2009

123 Creative team announcement.....

The NEW {& old} 123 Creative Team Members are being added daily to the 123 Challenge blog.... keep popping in and find out who these wonderful people are!!!

Not only will we be showcasing their layouts and inspiring you to create YOUR July 123 Challenge Layouts, but they'll be in the Spotlight too! so make sure you check out both 123 Blogs....123 Challenge Blog & Who's in the Spotlight?
PLEASE GIVE THEM A WARM WELCOME!!! We also hope to receive YOUR beautiful creations as well!!!

Email your entries to: by the last day of the month!

If you're up for a challenge....why not give this months challenge a go! The criteria is.....
1. Altered photo - either digitally altered or manually altered (eg, sanded, journalled on)
2. Use paint on a stamp (s) for your layout.
3. polka dots

Here is my sample LO for the July challenge.....& it was super fun to do!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 work for 4 days!

Things have finally gotten back to normal around here on the workfront - I'm back doing my normal job & normal days....which means this is my week off! :-) ...except that I have to work Friday (boo hooo) - because I can't work Tuesdays on my week on, as I am still taking Joel to Bathurst for Tafe each week. But Tafe is on holidays atm - so I am soooooo enjoying not having to get up at 5.30am to leave at 6.30am!

Last Saturday Joel picked up his brand new motorbike - Yamaha YZ250 - and he just absolutely loves it & can't wait until he can race it! Motocross racing was on at Forbes on Sunday, but he couldn't ride the new bike because his MX licence is only endorsed as a 125 - so we need to get that sorted out for him & then he'll be up & racing on the big banger! . He also did the Young Amcross the weekend before - I have ordered a disc of all the photos that the pro-photographers took on the day - so will share those pics as soon as Postman Pat delivers

Here are a few pics of him picking his bike up.....I must inform you all that this boy knows his mum & her scrap informed me that I would now have to stock up on BLUE scrap papers & products....hahaha

And now for some catch up scrappy shares.....

^^ LO from Jane's "French Flea Market"class at Scrapbook n Bits - back in May? or was it June? lol...I've lost track of time! Pic is of an old rusty truck that I spotted at Carcoar - just love old stuff like that!

^^ Another LO from Jane's class.....this pic is of my Grandfather - who I never knew (he died before I was even born - when my Mum was about 4 years old) so the few pics that I have of him are real treasures!

^^ A LO - just Not part of a challenge or class or anything. Pic is of Joel when he was about 8 months old....tried to keep it very simple.

Another "just because" LO - good to use up lots of stuff from the stash pile! Joel in his motocross gear taken just a few weeks ago.

^^ LO from Mel's "Birthday Girl"class - again at Scrapbook n Bits. Pic is of Kate's 4th Birthday.

^^ And the 2nd LO from Mel's class....again, Kate's 4th Birthday.
I think that's got me up to date on the scrappy front.....besides the ones I can't share yet! lol
I had better get myself off this computer & start tackling the ironing pile that just came off the line. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Take care all......xx

Friday, July 3, 2009

July - Scrap the Boys....

challenge is now up on the Scrap the Boys blog & the challenge this month is to take inspiration from the saying "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche"!

Basically you are to create a layout capturing your boys doing things that may not be the most masculine…so a little bit on the "girly" know maybe it is a secret thing for pink, them in some girly dress-ups, makeup, flowers in there hair… we all have those photos that you think “hmmm that will be a good one for their 21st birthday party…lol” Anyway now is the time to drag them out and put them on paper…If you don’t have any photos maybe you could journal about it instead…document it before it is forgotten.

Criteria is to start your title with “real men (or boys) don’t….” (mind pink; look bad in heels…etc).

I have to say that this was a super fun challenge....although DH might not agree with me (lol), but boy did I have a blast scrapping this is my sample layout for the July challenge......

Real men don't feel any shame while acting like Capt. DORKY, and that is exactly what he was doing in this pic! This man seriously has no shame! hahahaha

I really hope you will all give this challenge a go..... & I hope you have as much fun doing it as I did with mine! Looking forward to seeing all your fab creations!

You can check out the Scrap the Boys blog here and see all the other creative team members layouts for lots of great inspiration!

Happy scrapping everyone :-)......

Criteria for the July 123 Challenge....

1. altered photo - either digitally altered or manually altered (eg, sanded, journalled on)
(Kate Middleton)

2. Use paint on a stamp (s) for your layout.
(Mandy Dodd)

3. polka dots
(Karen Brierley)

This is a fantastic challenge this month......If you'd like to give it a go, email your entry to by the last day of July!!! Details of sponsors coming soon ! You can check out the 123 challenge blog

Looking forward to seeing everyones creations!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July already....


Can you believe it?? July already!?!? It means getting all those accounts, invoices & bookwork up to date....all ready for tax time! eeeeek. But it's also time for a big surprise at Scrapbook n Bits - all I can tell you at this stage is that it will be in the middle of JULY.....stay tuned for more info as more is revealed on this big surprise.......
No layouts to share this post :-( ..... I have myself a new computer & all my recent LO's are on the old one - but I will try to update soon!
Hope everyone is having a fab week.....happy hump day! :-)