
Sunday, May 12, 2013

April week 4 photos from a very slack blogger :-/

Well, haven't I been the super slack blogger of late?!?!

I dunno what it is....except that I'm feeling the need to take a bit of a break from things for a while.  Not sure for how long...and to what extent, but I just know that I'm not spending as much time online nowadays...but you've all probably already guessed that, as I'm not doing my usual rounds to visit YOUR blogs - my apologies for that....I do promise that I will get back into it one day, sooner or later, when I feel that I've had enough of a break :)

So, anyways....on with week 4 photos for the April Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge....

22.  Blurry - This was all I could think to do for today - to add some edited blurr on this cute little old blue church in my is just sitting there, unused nowadays, in the middle of a paddock, pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

23.  Time - An antique lookalike clock piece that one of the kids bought me years ago

24.  I saw this person today - For gorgeous DD, Kate :)

25.  Life is.... - A highway!  Taking us in all sorts of directions, to all sorts of places, and at all sorts of speeds....but mostly full speed ahead here for me.

26.  Childhood - My teddy bear from when I was little <3

27.  Earth - Dry and cracked after floods then drought, as is fairly typical here in Australia.

28.  My Sunday - A day out to Mayfield Gardens...such beautiful autumn colours everywhere. 
It was a fab day :)

29.  I wore this today -, rings & bracelet & bangle

30.  Glasses - That I scored in a 2nd hand shop...there were 4 in the set for a grand total of $2!!
Okie doke...that's it for now folks.
As I mentioned before....this might be it from me for a little while.
But ya never know....I may be back sooner than expected.
Take care & a super thanks to all those who constantly leave me such encouraging comments all the time....mwaaaaah!  xx