
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Almost the end of another week

I don't know where this week has gone, but it's gone wayyyy too's back to work tomorrow.  *sigh*. 

Before we know it, it will be March :-O.  And can you believe there are Easter eggs in the shops already!!!...I noticed them last week & couldn't believe it - I'd swear they bring them out earlier each year.  Andddddd....about a month ago I noticed Woolworths had Hot Cross you think they actually sell any at this time of year?  I wouldn't have thought they would, but why do it then?  People obviously must buy's crazy!

I have been busy scrap, scrap, scrapping!  :)
Here are my latest LO's.......

"Looking forward to the end of this drought"
This was a challenge over at Bon's as part of Game On.  Skye set the challenge - 80% of the LO had to be blue & it had to be a male LO, but not your son -  Loved this challenge :)

"He thinks he is a straight shooter"
Free class by Sandie over at Bon's

"Timeless Beauty"
Another challenge that is for Game On.  To do a LO on something that you had as your favourite 9.
My favourite 9 were all my favourite Lo's from 2009 - so I chose to scraplift one of those LO's - "Lest we forget".  This pic is of my Nan (we think in about the late 1940's)....the Lest we forget LO was my Grandfather.

And here is my mini album, again part of Game on at Bon's.  Sandie set the challenge to do a mini album using fabric - at first I thought "Ï can't do that"....but after a bit of thought, I decided to give it a go & am so glad that I how it came out :)

Hope everyone's having a great week....weekend is nearly here *yay*
Take care...& happy scrapping :)


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your work Linda...I know I keep repeating it but I really do!! Your mini has inspired me so much that I started mine this afternoon :-)
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!


  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous :)

  3. *blush* I'll admit...I got excited when I saw hot x buns for sale this week and bought two packs!!

    Love your scrapping and adore that mini!

  4. great mini Lou and I love your layouts!!!

  5. i know Easter things ALREADY, it just mean Brae is soon 1.. eeekkk
    LOVE that mini, its ROCKS!!!
    your work is stunning stunning stunning :) x

  6. wow that mini album is incredible Linda!! I love it :)
    I see you worked out how to put the thingys in your side bar, YAY you!!

  7. omg love that fabric album...... love all your work, gorgeous, and so inspiring

  8. Wowser, Linda - that mini is awesome!!
    Your layouts are fantastic, too - you must be racking up the points at bons!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment....they really make my day & are much appreciated! xx