1st day of spring today....YAY, can't wait for some warmer weather!
I am back to share some of my layouts I did at last weekends retreat to Neville. I tried to be a bit more organised this year, so decided I'd make up a few kits & printed off a few sketches :-)
This first one is using a fairly old Pagemaps sketch, that I have scrapped previously...except this time I don't think it looks too much like the original sketch...lol
Pics are from our Broken Hill road trip....on the way home we passed through Hay & stopped off at the Shear Outback museum - very interesting place! I have included the little pair of shears that was our entry ticket into the museum....aren't they cute!
Next one is based on an old Colour Room sketch....again, it didn't turn out looking too much like the sketch :/
The old BHP mine in Broken Hill...which has left such a dramatic scar on the surrounding landscape, yet to me it also has such a rugged beauty :-)
This one is for the August sketch at Anna's Craft Cupboard.....
Pic is of DD on our Norfolk Island holiday a few years ago....looking like she wants to spread her wings & take on the world :-)
And the last one that I'm going to share today....is one of the Stuck?! bonus sketches for August.
Pic from our girly weekend in Sydney last year. I love how this came together using just a few strips of scrap papers....love it <3
Speaking of Stuck?! sketches.....August was my last month as part of the creative team there as I decided that I wasn't going to reapply for a spot on the team. Huge congrats to all the new & returning CT members of this wonderful sketch site. Thanks Sara for the opportunity & all your work that you put into Stuck?! sketches :-)
August was also my last month as a DT member at Red Earth Scrapping....I decided a few months ago that I was going to step down from my position, but as we were in the middle of our Road Trip competition, I completed my commitments for the competition and my resignation was announced at the end of the comp. I'd once again like to thank Helen for the opportunity of being on the team :-)
Well, I think I've probably bored you all enough....so I will leave the rest of my retreat layouts for now & will post again in a couple of days. I'm going to head outside & enjoy a bit of the gorgeous sunshine.
Thanks for dropping by :-)