
Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 1 - Nov FMS photo a day

Hi everyone....I feel like I'm always trying to play catchup with things here on my blog. 
I don't know where all my time goes...but I think I must be a bad manager of it! lol we go with week 1 of the Fat Mum Slim November photo a day challenge....

These are the daily prompts...


1.  Something beginning with C - Canola
(taken in a canola field on the outskirts of a small village near where I live.
2.  Colour - A dish full of colourful buttons & clips
3.  Breakfast - Porridge & Tea - quick & easy (but pretty boring eh!)
4.  TV - The Lost Diggers story on Ch 7's Sunday Night program
(Photo taken of tv screen)
5.  5 O'clock - At work with this constantly ringing!
6.  A Favourite thing - Received some yummy scrap goodies in the mail that morning
7.  Reflection - I went for a different angle on the reflection prompt.
Reflecting back to this day 25 years ago <3 - 7.11.87
(A photo of one of our wedding photos against my wedding dress)
Hopefully I can now keep up with each 7 days worth of photos....fingers crossed! lol
Thanks so much for dropping by & for your lovely comments :)
Cheers!  xx


  1. You've done an amazing job with these photo ideas, good luck with the rest of the month.

  2. I love to see your photos in this project! congrats on your wedding anniversary! wish you lots of love and happiness!♥

  3. You're so good doing this. I've been watching you and a few others with the FMS challenges and they look like so much fun. Perhaps if it keeps going I might take it on in the New Year :) TFS Linda xx

  4. I love to see your take on this challenge. I want to do it too...but I am always way behind and give up even before I started.

  5. Love 'em..keep them coming...Picmonkey needs the workout!! And CONGRATS...well done on the wedding anniversary:):):)

  6. It's interesting to see your photos for this project. :) And congratulations on your wedding anniversary. So lovely!! :)
    Have a very nice weekend.

  7. You are doing awesomely with this photo challenge & I am so looking forward to the wonderful layouts that I know we will be seeing soon - woohooo!!

  8. Chiming in with the other ladies, you really are doing so incredibly well with the photo thingie. Looking at your wedding photo I am totally amazed at how time seems to have stood still, you hubbs looks exactly the same as he did then! funny he's got exactly the same beard :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment....they really make my day & are much appreciated! xx