
Friday, November 23, 2012

Week 3 - November FMS photo a day

Hi everyone...just another quick post tonight to catch up on week 3 of the November Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge (gosh that is a mouthful!!!  lol) are my next lot of pics :)

 15.  In your bag - Inside my camera bag (I love this bag!  It looks just like a handbag rather than a camera bag & can also fit purse, phone, keys etc in there as well)
 16.  The view from your window - Taken thru the car windscreen while driving across the bridge near where I live
17.  The last thing you bought - Bryce Courtenay's newest, yet!
Sadly, he passed away last night :(  - RIP Bryce.
The world has lost such a brilliant story teller...I have loved all of his books.
18.  Happened this weekend - A bit of scrapping (which is the subject of my last blogpost)
19.  Something awesome - Awesome row of Moreton Bay Figs on Norfolk Island.
(I used an old fav pic for this one that I took while holidaying on Norfolk a few years ago - forgot my camera that day, plus was at work...and I can definitely say that not much in the way of awesome happens there! lol)
20.  Work/Play - Kids playing in the park that I snapped while on the way home from work.
21.  What I wore - boring old work clothes!!  lol
Hope you have enjoyed seeing into my week that was :)
Take care  xx


  1. I am really enjoying your snaps...haha about boring the moreton bay fig shot. Gorgeous light & I soooo badly want your not-camera bag:):):(

  2. Linda these are amazing photos and like Lizzy I love the fig tree shots.

  3. You know I love your photos! Great job LInda!!

  4. I simply love your certainly have an eye for what works.

  5. Great pics Linda, I will get to do one of these challenges one day. It looks like a whole lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers Di xo

  6. Beautiful photos, and a gorgeous layout!


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