
Friday, March 1, 2013

last 2 weeks of Feb FMS photo a day

Better late than never, I guess :-/

I've fallen way behind on this challenge
But they are.....

15. Inside your fridge - I thought I'd do something a bit different for this one - I put my camera inside the fridge, taking a photo of me reaching inside.  It was a little bit harder than I thought, but after a heap of shots, I finally got one I was happy with.
 16. Perfect ~ Although it is far from perfect now, once upon a time, I'm sure this was the "perfect" little home for whoever it belonged to....
17. In your hand - An apple, with a few added effects to highlight it.

18. Something you don't like - Mondays!! {said in my best BoomTown Rats voice} 

19. I am - Stressed!!


20. Where you stood - On the banks of the river


21. Full - But not for much longer....

22. Makes you smile - Playing around on google earth & finding the house where my Granny used to live in Northern Ireland....really made me smile (ahh the simple things) :)
I took the pic of my pc screen
23. A word - Create {it's what I love to do}
I created these letters years ago & they are hanging in my scrap room,
right above my desk where I work

24. Cloud - A sky full of them, out on the Hay Plains - taken through car side window at 100kmph
{photo was not taken that day, as all we had was grey clouds blending into each other...which doesn't make for a very interesting photo!!}

25. On your bedside table - Nothing too exciting....lamp, candles, angel of friendship {from Shaz}, my watch & an altered book I made years ago

26. Quiet - & peaceful...
{no such thing as quiet for this day, so this is an older pic}

27. Playing - With secret squirrel scrapping stuff
{try saying that really fast 10 times! lol)

28. Upside Down - My pooch, Oscar....loves being upside down like this {except for when I need to get a photo of him upside down & he soon gets sick of me behaving like a crazy lady trying to get him to lay upside down!! lol)

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are always a delight to the eye. Love your secret squirrel scrapping stuff.♥


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