Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
A few scrappy shares.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 123 Challenge....
1. use some type of metal on the LO {eg: buckle, label holder, tin, etc}
2. out of focus photo
3. Use of at least 5 staples
Complete your layout by the last day of August for your chance to win some FANTASTIC prizes!!! Email your entries to :-
Details of the Websites donating for this month coming SOON!!!
Here is my sample LO for this month - let me tell you, the criteria for this is just awesome - I totally loved doing this LO....I hope some of you will give it a go too!
Monday, August 3, 2009
And a few more scrappy shares .....challenges from the Scrapbook n Bits cyber retreat last weekend........
^^ This challenge, we had to answer questions about our scrapping likes/dislikes etc - then after answering, it was revealed that we had to scrap a LO using our answers as the criteria. So my criteria ended up being - Yellow, patterned paper, my kids & Christmas.
^^ This one was a sketch challenge with the use of dotty paper also
I have quite a bit of catching up to do with the workshops from this hopefully I can get them all done & uploaded soon!
^^ And last but not least - this was my July White with 1 entry, using white, purple & circles.
That's about all for now - not much scrapping going on here in the last week or so - I've been busy working plus had a visit from my MIL - so that has all kept me pretty busy and I might also mention - stressed! lol.
Thanks for dropping by, and I hope everyone has a great week!